VOiceNet ©  Brest 2ooo-2oo1

the best quakers

Quake rullezzZ!

They have made the choice in this life, they became a pro in Quake.
They managed to become best, let even on short term in the life,
but at the same time, for ever...

thresh fatality - Победитель чемпионата Battletop... makaveli immortal timber

Thresh | Fatality | Makaveli | Immortal | Timber

para lakerman honus resonanse spice

Para | Lakerman | Honus | Resonanse | Spice

blue xenon sujoy powerk doomer

Blue | Xenon | Sujoy | Powerk | Doomer

apocalypse batch gemini hakeem hijinks

Apokalypse | Batch | Gemini | Hakeem | Hijinks

gunpwdr kiljoy reptile vader krave

Gunpwdr | Kiljoy | Reptile | Vader | Krave

wombat gollum rix kornelia hellchic

Wombat | Gollum | Rix | Kornelia | Hellchic

deanna jennigant pandora stephanie tamara

Deanna | Jennigant | Pandora | Stephanie | Tamara

tankgirl vangie vaio killcreek Succubus

Tankgirl | Vangie | Vaio | Killcreek | Succubus

ven0m - Победитель первого чампа по Pro Mode в Польше... krogot Moonshine Elric Twiggy

Ven0m | Krogoth | Moonshine | Elric | Twiggy

Elan Python Trinity Zero4 wait...

Elan | Python | Trinity | Zero4 | ...........

I am sorry for poor quality of some photos. Unfortunately persons of the not less strong players   yet did not manage to be found. I shall be extremely grateful to all of subjects, who will send me a photo of the local fathers with the detailed description of their victories and merits. An accessory(belonging) to what or клану deliberately is not underlined to emphasize the person. The arrangement of the foremen is absolute arbitrary, and in коей to a measure applies for a rating of popularity.

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